Animation Sampler 2020
American Express “Policy”
BluBlu / The New York Times + Singapore Airlines
Cheetos "Sweetos"
Zillion / Apple - 5k monitor
BluBlu / Serbin Creative + Directory of Illustration
BluBlu / L'Occitane - TerraCycle
Honda “The Dreamer”
Joyrider Films / Reuben Sutherland - Hoegaarden
Global Mechanic / Lighter Blue_CANNES
Global Mechanic / Cox Easy Pay "Worry"
Thatcher’s Cider - Martyn Pick
Honda “Clarity” / Guto Terni, Vinicius Costa
American Express “Gold” / Colin Hesterly
Global Mechanic - Smirnoff “Rocket Scientist”
Global Mechanic / Kia “Peace of Mind”
Global Mechanic / Coke “Movies”
GM Paperworld
Ben & Jerry’s “For The Love of Ice Cream”